Romer Playa adapts to the new times and improves his services. Now you will be able to find a wide offer of houses and apartments in the beach, but not only in sale, but also in rent.

 Rent of long season, rent with option to purchase, vacation rent or sale of apartments they are some of the options that from Romer Playa we want to offer you.

Apartments in Denia, apartments in Daimuz, apartments in Piles, apartments in Miramar, apartments in Olive, and like that in many more localities of beach. Do you know where you would like to live?

New work or the second hand, sale or rent, you choose what more is convenient for you. He visits our offers of floors and apartments in Denia and the rest of localities to see which of them adjusts to your needs.

Because to buy a house is a great step, Romer Playa wants to take advice of form personalized up to meeting the one that fulfills the characteristics that you wish. For it only you have to put in a contact with us and to enjoy the free time.

 And as the time it is a gold, enjoys your housing and our after-sales service. We help you and advise in any step that you need to realize


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